The holidays are over and now is the best time to start saving for next year! With a Christmas Club Account, you can automatically save a little each paycheck with a Christmas Club Account. Contribute funds all year until November 1st when your spending money will be distributed to you in via check or deposit into your regular account. Even a small amount like $5 each paycheck can help you better budget for holiday expenses!
Account Benefits
- No minimum balance requirements
- Earn a competitive return on your savings all year
- Set aside extra cash for holiday expenses and avoid holiday induced debt
- Set up payroll deduction to build your balance at a rate you’re comfortable with
- Funds are automatically deposited to you on Nov. 1
- Monitor account with free online banking and mobile banking
How to Open an Account
- Fill out a Christmas Club Savings Account Application
- Send your completed application via email to or apply in person at one of our branch locations
- Questions? Email us at or give us a call at 206-824-9800 option 4