Alaska Air Group Credit Union

Current Fees

Effective 05.20.2021

Fee TypeFee Amount
VISA Debit Pre Authorized Payment Cancellation/Stop Payment/Revocation$25.00
ACH NSF Paid Charge
ACH NSF Return Fee
ACH Stop Payments $25.00/ea
Check NSF Paid Charge
Check NSF Return Fee
Photocopy of Check 5 free per month
add'l checks - $1.00/ea
Stop Payments $25.00/ea
Outgoing Wire Transfers
Incoming Wire Transfers
Outgoing International Wire Transfers
Incoming International Wire Transfers
Statement Copies$5.00/ea.
Credit Union Check Replacement $10.00/ea.
Legal Processing Fee $30.00
Dormant Account (after 12 months of inactivity) $10.00/quarterly
Return Statement Fee $10.00

3rd Party Credit Union Check $1.00/ea.
Verification of Deposit $15.00
IRA Custodian Transfer Processing Fee $50.00/ea.
IRA Annual Maintenance Fee$15.00/ea
Account Research $20 per hour/1 hr. min.
Return Deposit Check Fee $15.00
Christmas Club Withdrawal/Transfer Fee (before Nov. 1st) $5.00 per transfer/withdrawal
Seattle Office
(206) 824-9800
Anchorage Office
(907) 563-5335